Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The steps of the future knight

Before I started to know more about knights, I personally thought that knights were just men or young adults who had a choice of going into battle without training or a level of skill; but now I know that, that definitely is wrong logic on my part. The knight steps to success started at a very young age and didn't end 'till the knight in training was a young adult. Knights were meant to be disciplined before any type of knight task, so the plan must have been to do get that taken care of before they were even teenagers.
There were three steps to becoming a knight, and each step was more difficult than the last. The page, the 1st phase of a knight's steps, the page was meant to run errands, learn respect like manners, and read beautiful poetry. This phase started around the age of seven  and took away from things unique to children like drawing or friends that weren't knights.The squire, the 2nd phase of a knight's steps, the squire's job started around the age of 14. Squire's jobs were to look over weapons, armor, and a knight's horse.
Finally, the final step to becoming a knight was the knight's dubbing. Dubbing involved the queen, king, prince etc. to wave a sword around a knight's head, touching lightly on each shoulder and the knight in training officially became a knight. This phase usually took place when the future knight was a young adult and was ready for the final step to knighthood. After the dubbing, the knight was officially able to fight for his country and received the average treatment  from others as a fellow knight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I didn't know becoming a knight was so hard and time consuming. I thought that it was just show up and fight.
